Kami Wert has been named Chair of Junior Auxiliary of Gulfport and the service project “Backpack Blessings” for 2013–2014. The program provides meals and snacks to children who may not otherwise get them during “non-school” hours such as weekends.
Wert has also been actively involved with the Harrison County Family Court Emergency Children’s Shelter. The shelter serves as the temporary home of children between the ages of 2 days and 18 years who have been removed from their families due to abandonment, abuse, neglect or endangerment.
Sue Templeman, Vice President of Brand Management, and Kay Maghan, Senior Public Relations Brand Manager, served as Chick Picks for the Ocean Springs Cruising the Coast event. Sporting poodle skirts, they joined a group of eight other women from across the coast and selected a favorite car to win a trophy and cash prizes.
Lee Ragland, Vice President and Director of Public Relations, serves as a Board Member of the Meek School of Journalism and New Media at The University of Mississippi. He is also a member of the Advisory Board of the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame, where he recently pledged for a lifetime membership.
Kay Maghan served on the planning committee for the Society of American travel writers conference held on the coast last October. Maghan was in charge of conference promotion to SATW members and also led the Southern Sweets Tour to bakeries across the coast.
Maghan also is VP of Communication for the newly formed Delta Gamma Alumnae Association on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
Karen Johnson organized the MERGE student conference for American Advertising Federation (AAF), Jackson, held in February at MS College. Over 60 students attended from seven universities and community colleges throughout the state. The event helps students interested in a career in advertising prepare for entering the job market.
Girl Scout Cadette Troop 5648 toured GodwinGroup’s Jackson office recently as part of their Media Journey designation. The group viewed the agency’s various departments and staffers in various roles, including creative, research, interactive/digital and public relations.